truth that angers
Amazing Photographs
Published on March 30, 2005 By Reiki-House In History
I don't know anything about photo manipulation and digital this and digital that, but if this photo is real, why isn't it the single most haunting Pulitzer Prize photo to sum up the tragic loss of that day? Is it possible someone could be standing at the opening created by the plane while not being consumed by fires so hot they melted steel? If it's real, would this be complete evidence of something being amiss about that day? That something just doesn't really add up? I'm wondering if anyone's even seen the picture at all. I know there are some techies, even opinionated one, that could probably respond to this. Is it even possible to spot manipulation just by looking at the picture? Is there always a tell-tale sign of trickery? Or is technology so advanced now it's no longer possible to know for sure?
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on Mar 30, 2005
I would think you would need to see the negative to be sure. Also, you would need perspective. Making sure the lady is standing where the site says she is standing.

on Mar 30, 2005
What if it's taken with a digital camera?
on Mar 30, 2005
The initial image would still be stored on the device, if it was transferred to a drive, the computer would have a log of where the picture came from, where it went and how it was used.

on Mar 30, 2005
Okay, so?
What are we supposed to believe, that 4 planes were NOT hijacked, and that millions of people in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs DIDN'T witness two of them flying into the towers?
Who gives a shit what this pissant little revisionist, conspiracist, anti-establishment site has to say? The Towers fell; thousands died in an instant.

I mean, if there was no "inferno" what was all that smoke I saw on the news, roiling out of the gaping holes??

Here's the scoop, R-H: they don't like Bush; Bush got mega-props for his handling of 9/11. For that, they'll try anything they can to minimize the effects of what happened that day.
They probably think 6 million Jews just changed their names and moved to Chicago, too.
on Mar 30, 2005
Rightwinger if you are typical of your name you won't know that the Jewish groups themselves have reduced the number murdered to roughly 1.1 million. That's quite a large percentage reduction isn't it? And that's from people who believe in the full story of the Holocaust. I have a related thread so I urge you to check out some inconsistencies involving the Holocaust. So it's kind of ignorant to use the 6 million figure as an argument and even more so to use it as an insult on people's intellect. And what's with the "well are we supposed to believe that..."? I never said anything about what you're supposed to believe. In fact, you already believe what you're supposed to believe. That aside, what's your opinion of the towers falling from a fire that was so hot it melted steel, but it left the people on the same floor unscorched and able to peer out openings made by the impact of the plane? Don't get righeously indignant over it. Open your mind to possibilities.
on Mar 30, 2005
The towers fell, a result of two large objects---objects hijacked by Islamic zealots and containing dozens of innocent people---crashing into them at high speeds. That's all I need to know. Who gives crap what "really" did it? Go spin your conspiracies in your corner, R-H, if that's what you want to do.

"Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II (1939-1945). The leadership of Germany’s Nazi Party ordered the extermination of 5.6 million to 5.9 million Jews (see National Socialism). Jews often refer to the Holocaust as Shoah (from the Hebrew word for “catastrophe” or “total destruction”).
Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."

I'll stick with the official word of historians rather than conspiracy nutcases, thank you, R-H.
on Mar 30, 2005
Rightwinger if you are typical of your name you won't know that the Jewish groups themselves have reduced the number murdered to roughly 1.1 million. That's quite a large percentage reduction isn't it?

Yeah large percentage change...but so what? Even that is still the systematic extermination of 1.1 million people.
on Mar 30, 2005
It doesn't really matter to people like rightwinger what really happened. They're just glad they have someone else to hate.
The tragedy aside, It's human nature to want to know the facts behind events. I don't think rieki (Or anyone else) in their right mind
would dispute that 9/11 or the holocaust really happened, They're just analyzing the evidence to figure out what EXACTLY did happen.
It would be nice if Americans could see past the tragedy and hate, And start using their heads. There really is nothing wrong with opening a website that analyzes data and disputes certain reports of what occured on 9/11, Is there? Or a person such as Rieki asking wether or not there could have been something else that contributed to the 9/11 tragedy. If there were something else, Wouldn't you want to know about it? I know I would. It doesn't change what happened, Doesn't bring back the ones that died, But it does give us some insight as to what happened exactly and why.
If everyone involved in a little investigative endeavours was branded a Loony Conspiratist Revoloutionist Pinko Nazi Communist, The World would become a very dark place in a very short while, With only the Leaders of Nations acting as a source of fact. Then again, I guess it's just easier and more healing to just - hate.

"Don't believe everything you read in the Papers."
on Mar 31, 2005
Pinko Nazi Communist

First off, there's no such thing; The Nazis and the Commies (two more groups I "hate") are polar political opposites.

Look, I don't want to hate anyone, despite what you touchy-feely goofballs think about us Righties. You guys are the ones who are so concerned with the reasons "why" they hate us. You know why they hate (hmm...there's an interesting word..funny how no one on the Left ever accuses the Islamic nutbars of "hate") us? I'll tell you why they hate us: we support things they oppose. Isreal, mainly. They also hate our lifestyle; they see it as decadent and sinful because we live the way we do. We have a lot of things, and a high standard of living. Yet it's okay that people like bin Laden are so rich....they support the right causes.

What does it matter if the support beams melted in the heat or not? The terrorists slammed two planes into the towers and killed a lot of people. All in the name of hate. But it's okay for them.
They killed lots of Americans. That isn't have to go drumming up other reasons why it "happened". Is the fact that Bush is president really so distasteful to you that you just have to do this? How sad is that?
on Mar 31, 2005
Yeah large percentage change...but so what? Even that is still the systematic extermination of 1.1 million people.

Yeah, this is true...when Pol Pot did it, it was a terrible tragedy. Somehow the NEW total of 1 million lives lost instead of six million makes it more palatable for those on the Left, because they hate the Jews and Isreal.

Don' be a hatah, R-H, Kandor.....
on Mar 31, 2005
Jewish groups themselves have reduced the number murdered to roughly 1.1 million.

Then what happened to the other five mill? They all changed their names and moved to Chicago, right?
on Mar 31, 2005
Does that make you feel better R-H? LW has gone and blown the lid off the whole sting operation! She exposed it all! Way to go, LW, way to go.....!
Here's your Pulitzer!

Yes, it's The Big, Bad, "Jewish Conspiracy" thing know, that shadowy, world-domination thing that every Jew who's ever lived in the last 6,000 years has known about, but somehow not even one has ever talked about? Damn Jews!

Of course, they're opposed (or ARE they?) in their evil schemes by the Masons and the Bilderbergs and other secret societies with world domination conspiracies of their own, like the Skull and Crossbones (BUSH! BUSH! AAAA!), college fraternities and sororities, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Shriners, Lion's Club, Moose, Eagles, Elks, Ruritan, Grange, country clubs.....the list goes on and on.....
on Mar 31, 2005
"I don't think rieki (Or anyone else) in their right mind
would dispute that 9/11 or the holocaust really happened, They're just analyzing the evidence to figure out what EXACTLY did happen."
Give that man first prize and a bonus consisting of looking behind door number three.
And saying Nazis are a group you hate is, well, typically generic.
But I have to say I notice no one is commenting on what it means in reference to the heat it would take to melt steel while not scorching people.
on Mar 31, 2005
Isn't it amazing how some people disguise their hatred and bigotry with "skepticism"...
on Mar 31, 2005
If there was no inferno, as you seem to be claiming, exactly what was all that smoke I saw? I live in New Jersey and I still saw it. Are you meaning to tell me that it was fake smoke, created by the government to support a conspiracy?

My parents helped out in the aftermath of the WTC. The area was nothing if not scorched.
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