truth that angers
According to many unknowing citizens in the United States, there is a scary fear of a DOMESTIC terror cell who are preparing to NUKE the USA. Not more than two or three weeks ago, I stated that the US was going to experience a pseudo terrorist attack FROM WITHIN THE USA, and that the government will be using that false flag operation in order to chisel away at even more freedoms. Now, not even a month after I told everyone it was going to occur, I read about and hear about the scary Al-Queda nuclear attack that the US is going to suffer from. Now, in a sane world everyone would laugh at some supposed facts. Such as the ridiculous name "Secret Organization- al-Queda of Europe", or the even more ridiculous supposed Al-Queda manual "American Hiroshima" which makes the stupid "Al-Queda - Manual for Self-Destruction if Cornered". It's so juvenile and assinine to think these fairy tales are true. And it's a commentary on your own upbringing and ignorance. People should flip it and then see if it's stupid or not.
"Secret Organization: American Imperialists of Europe"
"US Navy Seal Manual For Self-Destruction If Cornered"
"Iraqi Hiroshima"
Lame minds fall for false truisms.
Anyways it's nice to see that ONCE AGAIN I have ANOTHER simple prediction coming true as I speak. You can all pat my back and tell me I sure know my shit, because this is only another example on a larger list of examples in which my predictions start to come to fruition.
Fake Terror Attack on the USA
It will kill many Americans, and it will be of an unconventional weapon system. I think I already know it's going to take place in the Southern United States, not near the west coast at all. This attack is what the government needs in order to a)get Americans into the mood for an attack on another country and b)placate the population in order to gain freedom of movement through the world. Americans are gullible people, and also a fearful people. Easy to make scared especially if it's a third world country doing the scaring. That's an anomaly. How Americans can be so strong and tough and ready to slaughter, yet they can't find their own ass to know where to wipe. It's an interesting study in human ignorance and human psychology. Really, think about it. Americans are scared of country's that can't even produce enough grain to make a bowl of cereal. What disparity. It's like Dr. Jekyl and Miss Muffet sharing the same room.
The Need From Within
With so much killing being done by the Americans, it's obviously clear the US public wouldn't stand in place for another two thousand (official) GI deaths without just cause. Whether you believe it or not, not all Americans like killing civilians with no just cause. Many have a conscience, so it would be too much to ask them to believe and support another war if they didn't have enough angry indignation. So that leads me to where I started at. The need to have an attack on the US. Now, it won't be another 911 with airplanes being controlled into tall buildings. It will be unconventional, and nuclear is a logical choice. But I don't know why, maybe it's because of my Japanese ancestry, but I don't feel the staged terror attack on the United States will be a wholly nuclear one. In this day and age of science, and the limited amount of nuclear capabilities, I feel a nuclear attack on the US would be too full of clear evidence as to who the real perpetrators are, as a nuclear blast is a good equal to taking a suspect's fingerprint. However, that said, if the attack IS nuclear, it will be a rudimentary dirty bomb which will be easy to convince the public that the bomb was unsophisticated and had the "hallmark telltale signs" of Al-Queda.
So if there IS a nuclear attack on the US, it will be a so-called dirty bomb, unsophisticated and easy to pretend it was made by some Arab ON AMERICAN SOIL, which is the scenario I envision will take away most of the liberties the US used to protect with a constant guarantee. There is something about this coming attack that is going to be a bit off the radar as far as rational reasoning goes. I am not positive what that will be but there will be something particularly worrisome about this.
Overstepping Credibility
The false flag operation in London took an interesting turn, and if you take a closer look it may produce some anomalies. Such as the supposed follow-up attack London just experienced. This is an oddity but, I think, and explainable one. If you take a close look at the Brits and an even closer look at the Americans, one thing is certain. The British people aren't as subservient as the American people are, and it takes more time and effort to fool them into believing something false. These latest 'attacks' are, I believe, nothing more than nailing some final nails into a coffin, or dotting your "i's" and crossing your 't's' so to speak. Rest assured that if the Brits were as gullible and as easily to scare and anger as the Americans, there would be no need for an unprecedented secondary terrorist attack. While many Brits went very ballistic and were filled with hate and anger, they still had more moderate minds which enabled them to accept and understand and learn things more easily. So they needed another innoculation. Rest assured people, that there are no 'raghead hajis' looking to blow Britain up any more than there are terrorists looking to attack America on American soil. Since the 911hohum (thank Bush's continuous recital of 911 for the hohum), how many terrorist attacks have been committed in the US? None. With 100,000 dead innocents in just under three years, it's reasonable to think the 'terrorists' have just cause to attack the US, yet they haven't and don't. Interesting. And why is that? Why have there been no additional terror attacks on the US? What could be the reason?
Great security measures at airports? Yeah right. About 30% of airport security have criminal records and a penchant for feeling up women's breasts.
America's winning the fake war on terror? Why the hell would anyone think that's true? Killing kids does not win support.
America being so secure? Not a chance since there isn't enough US INTERnational Guard units left in the US to fill twenty sandbags.
Terrorists suddenly becoming too scared to dare attack America? *off in the distance, a wolf howls*
In summary, you are wrong and I am right. Again.
Iraq not involved with 911. Me right you wrong.
Iraq has WMD. Me right you wrong.
Hussein's capture will lead to stability (the Iraqis will welcome the US for capturing Hussein). Me right you wrong.
I stated the need for a DOMESTIC terror cell in the US which the government could use as a pretext for further freedom measures. Two weeks later, a DOMESTIC terror cell is supposedly wreaking fear and havok on the British, which the government is using to take away even more liberties from the Brits.
Let it be said that everything the hawks use as a pretext for war has been debunked and written off as bullshit by not only me but also by millions of others who are not drones and think according to human nature and not human psychology.

on Jul 21, 2005

You know what Reiki, I'm in a fantastically shitty mood today, and you just pushed me over the edge of my tolerance.

You're an idiot.  Truly, you are.  You spout so much propaganda and bullshit that it's hard to know where to begin.  The REALLY horrible thing is that you believe it!  You're actually gullible enough to fall for the bullshit.  You see it, you hear it, you twist it and embellish it, then you come here and you post it.  You truly sicken me.

Have a nice fucking day, Todd. 

on Jul 21, 2005
yeh what whip and dharma, said.
on Jul 21, 2005
Yay for more baseless and paranoid rantings. RH, you never fail to amuse me.

I notice you deleted your last article as soon as I asked for any evidence to back your claims
on Jul 21, 2005
I predict that tomorrow you'll wake up, do some stuff, and then go back to sleep. You're going to have to pat my back and make me supreme ruler of the world and lord of all things truthful when you find yourself getting up and doing stuff tomorrow. You know I'm right. I speak only in truisms.

on Jul 21, 2005
Sooo... you were right, but your crystal ball got the wrong continent?

Okay, I feel someone on this side whose name starts with... 'g'? No... hmm... 'b'? Ah, hello Bob, I sense that sometime in your life you've known someone who died...
on Jul 21, 2005
Could you provide us with some material as to how you came to that conclusion? That's a pretty extreme prediction. I figured we needed casualty figures closer to Vietnam before public sentiment would drift. If I am reading you correctly, are you also saying that another attack would revitalize sentiment where some nasty piece of legislation might get passed through? Something like the draft? It would take another national tradgedy before something like that could have a hope of passing.