truth that angers
This is a thread dedicated to the one who can't argue or debate with rationale or maturity. I admit it gets me peeved when I'm sensored for no other reason than telling the truth and educating the masses. It's a closed-minded policy designed for deceit. Think about it for a moment. Some joker complains about the lack of good news in Iraq and how the media only puts out one side of the story and how that's wrong blah blah blah, so they take it upon themselves to even the playing field out. Yet they close off and sensor an avenue which is led by reasonable thinking and rational thought. That's hypocritical. But no hard feelings on this end. It's actually a kind of victory in the debating sense. Being closed off for truth is a wonderfully noble thing and I thank him for giving up like that. When you have a blog which pushes lies akin to an Al-Jazeera cheering section, it's no good to have someone messing up the works by bringing light and reality and truth to the blog. I shall never blacklist anyone here ever. I have nothing to hide and have never ever said anything false, deliberate or not. I'm an all-encompassing moral advocate who speaks for the truth. Nothing else. To blacklist is to sensor. To sensor is to close avenues of thought. To close avenues of thought is to become what this shadowy character has become. Afraid of reality and honest truth. That is my diatribe, and again it's filled and bursting with honest truth.
on May 03, 2005
I admit it gets me peeved when I'm sensored for no other reason than telling the truth and educating the masses.

Yet they close off and sensor

To blacklist is to sensor. To sensor is to close avenues of thought.

Actually, a sensor is a device that responds to a physical stimulus. So, you are in fact, not telling the truth here. I think the word that is just beyond your grasp is censor - to subject to censorship. Although, I admit, it could be censure - the act of blaming or condemning sternly or an official reprimand. Sometimes it's impossible to tell where your thought processes are leading you.

You damage your message with your inability to communicate it effectively. Paragraph and line breaks are your friends. So is spelling. Show that you care enough about your message to get it right. If you don't care enough to make it right, why should I care? More people will take you seriously that way.
on May 03, 2005
Nazi revisionists don't really have a lot room to talk about reality, given their inability to stay in touch with it...
on May 03, 2005
Wise man say "Never argue with idiot. It makes it difficult for bystanders to tell who is who".
on May 04, 2005
I am honored, to be the muse of your latest idiocy!  Keep it up, herr Haus.
on May 04, 2005

That is my diatribe, and again it's filled and bursting with honest truth.

It's filled alright but not with honest truth. More like honest poop.