I thought this was very interesting reading pertaning to North Korea's military capabilities. Of course it's fact that they have better trained and better disciplined soldiers than almost all countries combined. The biggest problem, I think, is the tunner warfare aspect. It's true they sent their experts to Vietnam to help the nationalists get an edge over the Americans. A pipeline leading behind enemy lines is dangerous and very effective, not only for morale but also for strategic surprise. The Trojan Horse all over again. I personally don't think the US will attack North Korea, but it's possible the US might use some sort of self-serving event involving North Korea to bring more global instability to the region simply in order to get the US public in synch for the coming-soon draft. The mountain regions offer excellent protection from detection, which is necessary if you need to battle a powerful enemy whose main tactic is overwhelming air attacks to achieve total destruction. The jungles of Vietnam perplexed the US planners simply because firepower didn't mean anything when you're fighting an enemy who won't come out into the open to fight. Jungle canopy is excellent cover, hence the need for the US to use chemicals for warfare-related defoliant purposes i.e. Combat activity using weapons of mass destruction. Combat because the RanchHand pilots were fired on constantly, and weapons of mass destruction because, well, just look at the babies and children who are deformed. The direct result from chemical warfare. What do you all think of this person's assessment of North Korea's military capabilities?