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truth that angers
Undebatable Truisms From Our Times
Can't Argue This
Published on April 14, 2005 By
Current Events
There are some things pertaining to the supposed War on Terror that no one can possibly argue against. A comparative example is the color of a clear sky. We see it as blue. Who could argue something like that? Well, no one can. That's why some people close themselves off into a bubble. Here are some good examples of facts and reasonings that simply cannot be explained away.
1. According to international laws the US sponsored and heavily promoted, and in fact constantly holds other nations to, it is illegal to kill an enemy soldier if he/she is a) unarmed and poses no physical threat, and
wounded in combat. That is a law of war and indeed of simply being a good human. It's set in stone. To kill someone in the a) or
manner is a war crime. And we all know it. No need for lame games here. If someone shot a US G.I. while he was lying helpless and wounded, you would all rightly call it a war crime. Here's the link to the uncommented-on thread I made a while ago.
Hawks who get angry at truth like to claim the US hasn't committed any war crimes in Iraq and self-righteously attack me for speading what they call 'lies'. "Lies a.k.a. truisms". This is a war crime. And it's also murder. Not only that, the soldier goes on to say how great it felt and how he just wants to murder again. This alone proves the US commits war crimes in Iraq. There's no need to argue this fact. Isolated incident? Ok but it's still a war crime. The guy looked threatening (he didn't as we can clearly see). Ok but it's still a war crime. Undeniable.
I don't think I need to get into the US violating article 54 of the Geneva Convention during both Gulf Wars. Of course it's the children who must suffer. Then there's the Fallujan war crime of blowing apart a large group of unidentified Iraqis. "Unidentified group on the road, should I take them out?". "Yes take them out". The laugh behind the "Awww dude" speaks volumes to the ones they were there to supposedly liberate.
2. The United States is the single largest manufacturer of the most lethal weapons of mass destruction on the planet. They have the largest arsenal on the planet of all the biological agents used in chemical warfare. It's also true that the United States is the single most constant and powerful government on the planet who continuously say other nations should have no possible chance to make or possess any weapons of mass destruction, the same weapons the US continues to manufacture and control.
3. In early 2002, Condaleeza Rice and Colin Powell were at the forfront of the news with their scary scenarios which will make hundreds of thousands of Americans at risk of dying a painful horrible death at the hands of the evil Iraqi empire who was at that moment ready to use their illegal WMD on the US. "We don't want the smoking gun to be in the form of a mushroom cloud", she ominously stated. Then there's Powell saying 'this amount of baking soda in this vial, could, if it were real anthrax instead of a stage prop, kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens'. This we know as fact.
Sadly, what most here likely know, is that one short year earlier they were saying the exact opposite to the world's press. Hussein and Iraq aren't a threat they said. Their sanction and embargo policies were very successful they had said. Iraq hadn't been able to upgrade their military stockpiles because the santions were working. This we now also as fact.
If the mpeg doesn't load you can right click on the clip and choose the option "open using RealPlayer".
4. The plane hit the south World Trade Center around the 78th floor. A firefighter who was high up inside the WTC building said he was on the 74th floor where he was encountering "no smoke or fire problems". The transcript can be read or listened to here.
It can be stated with absolute reliability that there were 'no smoke or fire problems' on the 74th floor, which was four floors below the impact of the airliner. A fire that supposedly imploded the building due to extremely high temperatures wasn't large enough or damaging enough to create any sort of smoke or fire problems right below the impact area? Physically impossible.
5. On 911, the entire US air industry was grounded. No flights were allowed. But there was an exception. Osama Bin Laden's family were boarded onto planes and flown safely to Saudi Arabia. While no flights were allowed, the Bin Laden's were excempt. Whatever the reasons or motives, it's undeniably true. If I kill someone and flee, the authorities, if they're truly interested in catching me, would immediately go to my relatives to ask about my whereabouts. But not for Bin Laden's family. And we all know only top bosses in government would be overrule or make any sort of exceptions, especially when it comes to relatives of the US's worst mass murder and the most wanted man in the world.
6. Iraqis being tortured and illegally detained easily became the top reason for America's intervention in Iraq once the WMD lie became apparent to ordinary drone American citizens. Torturing is unacceptable Bush and Co. were stating. America has liberated Iraq Bush and Co. were stating. The reality is the torture torch was simply handed over to the new foreign regime in Iraq. It's fact the US were and continue to torture Iraqi's they pretend to have liberated. America says the invasion liberated Iraqis from torture. The Iraqis were and are being tortured by American soldiers. Major contradiction. You can't claim to liberate someone from tyranny and torture while you torture them yourselves. Fact. Children are held. Fact. Iraqi men have been murdered by their American handlers. Fact.
7. New York firefighters are on record having witnessed windows being systematically blown out as if it were a traditional controlled demolition. There's the brothers' video of it. http://www.prisonplanet.com/032404firefightersdiscuss.html
Then there's the NYFD Chief of Safety who stated there were explosions right before the collapse. http://www.prisonplanet.tv/articles/may2004/050504bombsinwtc.htm
Last but not least is the strange flash explosions that are seen as the second plane hit the second tower.
While I don't see this as God-Sponsored evidence of controlled explosions, however it is an oddity which could use some explanation.
More to come in another edition; soon.
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on Apr 14, 2005
How do you people live, locked in that awful mood of gloom? You've made quite the bleak little world for yourself there.
I think if you don't find some other stuff to dwell on soon people are going to start edging away from you like they do with the other kooks. I don't find any of these points "undebateable". Actually, they have all been debated to death on more than one occasion.
You just think that since everyone is sick of talking about them, you can finally post a long synopsis and everyone will be too SICK OF IT to debate you. That doesn't make it undebateable, that just makes you more hard-headed than other people. Not the basis for "truth", if you ask me...
on Apr 14, 2005
Like I said there is no way to seriously respond or argue the thread. An argument diversion or the opening of new tangents is the only way one can defend I suppose. Thanks Baker. Thanks for the response.
on Apr 14, 2005
2. Your point?
3. The information was either faulty, rephrased or, revised by the administration.
4. I am not an engineer, but if a fire starts on the 78th floor, and smoke goes up, why would there be smoke 40-50 feet below the fire? Also, isn’t it possible that the intervening floors, hampered the spread of the fire?
5. Proof? How close were the family members? Would there be fear of reprisals?
6. Our actions were terrible towards certain people, but is there any evidence of the scope or the systematic torture that was prevalent in the Saddam regime?
7. Again, I am not a engineer, but “explosions” before the collapse could mean a few things.
on Apr 14, 2005
Just a simple question, is there anything about America you don't hate?
John Galt
on Apr 14, 2005
According to international laws the US sponsored and heavily promoted, and in fact constantly holds other nations to, it is illegal to kill an enemy soldier if he/she is a) unarmed and poses no physical threat, and
wounded in combat. That is a law of war and indeed of simply being a good human. It's set in stone. To kill someone in the a) or
manner is a war crime. And we all know it. No need for lame games here. If someone shot a US G.I. while he was lying helpless and wounded, you would all rightly call it a war crime. Here's the link to the uncommented-on thread I made a while ago.
Ok, well I'll argue with this. Not really that the Americans would be breaking the law as it stands, but that the law is actually just. It isn't. In war there are no rules. You are fighting a war because the agressor is out to physically harm you and isn't interested in civilization. Thus to allow any enemy that is trying to kill you to live, no matter what the scenario is ludicris.
You don't negotiate with terrorists because to do so would be to compromise with evil. Similarily you don't allow evil to live no matter the case. You kill, murder do whatever you want to call it, and go on killing them until you can be sure that they will lay down their arms and act in a civilized way, which is to say, do no physical harm to another unless that other does physical harm to them first.
This is why the US is back in Iraq. Instead of whiping them out the first time as should have been done, they left and it all boiled over again with terrorism etc. If they'd done the job and forced the issue by killing every last person that wanted to opress americans or even Kuwaitis this there would have been no need to go in a second time, and I dare say that 9/11 likely wouldn't have happened because just like this time, democracy would have taken hold and that would have been that. People like Bin Lauden wouldn't have been able to raise the money to do what they did, because they would have been marginalized by the great force that is freedom.
John Galt
on Apr 14, 2005
On another note, I see that subjectivist, there is no right and there is no wrong, and it's all about perspective Bakerstreet is back it again.... Gotta hand him this: He's consistant....
on Apr 14, 2005
I see that the "There is no God and yet there is objective universal morality" John Galt is back at it again as well. Have to hand it to someone who takes the wheel of his own reality. It's just a shame he thinks that wheel steers the rest of us too. How very... communist? LMAO...
on Apr 14, 2005
hmmmm....have you ever been in a situation where people are actively trying to kill you? Have you been forced to make a snap decision based on the information you have at hand? When you have, talk more about it. Until then back off.
on Apr 14, 2005
"A comparative example is the color of a clear sky. We see it as blue. Who could argue something like that? Well, no one can."
You're aware that the sky isn't actually blue, but that blue is the only color that gets through the prizm to us, right?
on May 10, 2005
"4. The plane hit the south World Trade Center around the 78th floor. A firefighter who was high up inside the WTC building said he was on the 74th floor where he was encountering "no smoke or fire problems". The transcript can be read or listened to here.
It can be stated with absolute reliability that there were 'no smoke or fire problems' on the 74th floor, which was four floors below the impact of the airliner. A fire that supposedly imploded the building due to extremely high temperatures wasn't large enough or damaging enough to create any sort of smoke or fire problems right below the impact area? "
I'll tell you why... you
this to be a conspiracy. It feeds your fears and hatreds to think of this event as something scripted by dark dwellers of smoke-filled rooms deep in the bowels of shadow government board rooms. Why... if this event were simply a hijacked plane (as were the other 3 that day), then... then... what would you do?
on May 10, 2005
There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around the internet. Some kind of make sense. Some don't. I'm not siding one way or the other.
However, given the conflicts of interest that is rampant in this administration, the Bin Laden family being just one example, it's no wonder that people are skeptical of the "truth".
Other examples of conflicts of interest:
Cheney and Halliburton
Bush family and Saudi family
Bush family and oil business
These are just off the top of my head, and I don't have the time to look at other examples. Maybe I'm trying to steer this article, but I sure would like to see what others' here see as examples of this administration's conflicts of interest, be it middle east politics, environment, war industry, etc. Maybe it should just be its own article.
But, back to the point of this article, these undeniable conflicts have led to conspiracy theories, clouded reasonable thinking, and ultimately dragged this country into a criminal war. A war that I would love to see the perpetrators, instigators and perpetuators in government held accountable.
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