truth that angers
Published on April 8, 2005 By Reiki-House In Current Events
I know you're likely sick of my completely true and honest diatribes I post here occasionally, and again it's a topic that might not get any response much like my war crime video did. The official story on 911 is that building 7 went down due to fire. The picture-perfect way the building fell was so obvious (to me) that it was a controlled demolition. The inward collapse down the middle is the first evidence. Central columns had to fail at the same time to get that effect, otherwise you'll have parts of the building crashing down every which way in a very wide radius. Controlled demolitions prevent that. It's clear there's nothing random about the collapse when you have such a straight downward trajectory.
Anyways, Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC buildings, stated in an interview on PBS that he was told by the ranking firemen that the decision was made to pull the building. He said (roughly but I have the clip) 'after so much loss of life and tragedy, they didn't want to take any more chances that they may lose even more (due to a supposedly unstable building 7) lives, so the decision was made to pull it....pull the building..". He said it. Yet either no one knows of this truism or people do know of it but really don't give a crap. The official story hasn't changed even though the truth is out there for you to see. Why do you think this isn't making the news and feeding outrage at being lied to over something that people like to call the most significant moment in the USA's history?
About halfway down the page is the Larry Silverstein clip. "Floor 74, no fire or smoke problems"<---leaked firefighter transcript and recording which the firemen were told, under national security pretenses, not to make this public. Thankfully an angry fireman or firemen became determined that the truth need be told. So they or he leaked it for the world to see. There's also the clip of the firemen discussing how there were series of explosions before the collapse and it sounded and looked like they were detonated.

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