truth that angers
I couldn't help but chuckle at the odd way someone could complain about comment deleting when the person is a blackballer. How could someone whine about people deleting comments when they use the blackball option? Talk about a duplicist mentality. It's like the guy who would beat his kid to make him stop crying. Oxymoronic. Maybe if someone likes to use the blackball option, they should shut up about some pesky little comment deleter. Comment deleters are simply managing their own blogs, which many see as their internet home. It's their free option. But blackballing is closed-minded ignorance. It's refusing to hear people's arguments because you don't like what they have to say. So if you want to whine about someone who deletes your comments, maybe be mature enough to be able to read arguments whether you like them or not..... *punch*... "Hey kid. ..*kick*... *slap* ..Don't hurt... *slap* *punch*... my pet... *kick* *slap* *kick*" .
on Apr 06, 2005
Many people here think that their words are scripture. Therefore, deleting them is a blasphemy.

Sometimes, I've deleted the comments of those people just to irritate them.

on Apr 06, 2005
Big difference, actually.

Blacklisters blacklist individuals because they don't want those individuals' comments on their articles. They have made the decision that the person is unwelcome on their blog. It's the equivalent of throwing someone out of your apartment.

Comment deleters, on the other hand, welcome comments, but only those that meet their editorial standard. Since we have no standard to go by, the risk of being deleted just due to the person having a "bad hair day" is real.

Also, comment deletion is permanent; blacklisting CAN be reversed.

That being said, I delete VERY few comments. But BOTH are up to the decision of the individual blogger.
on Apr 06, 2005
My blacklist has ONE person on it. Aeryck. That's an issue of strong personal disagreement with that blogger and his style (deceptive blogging).

And Gid is right about the difference between blacklisting and comment deleting. One is a blanket ban on a person, the other is selectively allowing comments to remain so as to make response look more favorable/back up your argument.
on Apr 06, 2005
I have, on occasion, written an article and stipulated that certain sorts of comments would be deleted. Twice, to be exact.

I don't blog for comments. As much as I enjoy reading them, I really don't care all that much what people think. But hey, if I delete your comment, it gives the whiners and bitches reasons to post articles lamenting it. And whiners and bitches need love too, eh?
on Apr 06, 2005
I have, on occasion, written an article and stipulated that certain sorts of comments would be deleted.

me too. Some things to me are just plain old outta bounds. Giving that kind of a warning is a fair thing to do in my mind.
on Apr 06, 2005
well zoomba one could easily argue that, instead of blacklisting someone because they're a liar, you should take the meagre amount of time it would take to set the record straight and debunk their lies with facts. It's not always fun but it still has to be done. I take that path and pay the blogger's price for it. But I welcome it. The truth isn't always, actually is rarely, easy to take. Pick up the only flag that matters and hold it up for the liars to see. Make them need to make lies up about you; make them say stupid things while they're on the defensive. Throw the truth into their mostly ugly faces and chalk one up for truth, because, truth be told, the ratio between lies and truth these days is about 5000 to 1. Help out what is constant and can never be altered no matter what the liars like to pretend is true. March for truth people!