truth that angers
Well their daughter has died. They didn't even show up with a cup of water and angry indignation. They asked a ruling body to stop the murder of their child. A ruling body. Think of that. In the matter of life and death they go to detatched strangers to try get them to keep their child's lungs filled with air. This is pretty upsetting for me, and I admit I didn't think it would have bothered me so much. But degenerant parents who beg society to keep their own alive deserve little mercy. Trust in the courts is a weak and ignorant action when it comes to your own. I hope they realize what they have done. I certainly hope they understand what has happened to their realities. They live in a society which will willingly torture by starvation a handicapped individual. I bet they said at the beginning: "of course they'll judge in our favor! Life is paramount to society". Well they can live their remaining years with that lesson foremost in their thoughts. Society failed them. Their trust in the law failed them. Their parental instincts failed them. They failed their daughter. No question. They went to the courts and the courts screwed them. Many times over. Then the feeding tube is taken out, and what the hell do those foolish parents do? They go to the courts again in a last-ditch effort to save their child! They went to the same courts that made total asses and fools of them for something like 15 years! Are these people even sane at all? Can't insanity be defined as doing the same thing over again while hoping for a different result? They went to the same courts that made fools of them. I just can't imagine how they acted so spineless and contrary to truly caring parents. This may seem harsh to some people, but no parent in their right mind would ever let some entity destroy or maim or hurt their own flesh and blood. Standing by while your child is tortured before she is murdered is treason. Not one single person suffered for this execution, except Terri. And that's wrong. Honor can only be saved by action against those doing you or your loved ones harm. So Terri, rest in eternal peace, and if you can, try forgive your parents for failing you at the most important moment in your life. Think of them as loving parents who just didn't know how to show it when it counted most. You didn't deserve all this hellish garbage dumped on you, but in light of all of what has happened, many others now do.
on Mar 31, 2005
And what would you have the parents do? "They didn't even show up with a cup of water and angry indignation." If they had shown up with a cup of water, what would that matter? Their daughter couldn't swallow! In fact, the water would have hastened her death as she had no means of expelling the waste.

Besides, putting the water in her mouth would have been illegal. How much help could they have provided to their daughter if they were sitting in a jail cell? The judicial system was the only viable way to even have a chance at saving their daughter.

Why blame the parents when they did all in their power to preserve her life?
on Mar 31, 2005

How much help could they have provided to their daughter if they were sitting in a jail cell?

Very true.  There were many arrests of people trying to take in water to her.


on Mar 31, 2005
Yes, well over fifty, I believe.
on Mar 31, 2005
And not one of the fifty were her parents. Does that seem right? 50 strangers arrested for trying to bring her water and her parents aren't among them? I wonder if it was because they were in such fear of the law. They relied on it with more faith than a Saint has in Christ. You say what good is it for them to be sitting in a jail. That's folly. How about it would show the world they gave a crap! Weak ignorant parents. And I truly think deep down after much reflection you all could see what I mean. Hey Fazz, I have your kid here with me. I'm not going to give her any food or water until she dies. No matter who you ask for help I still won't give her any food or water. You still think it's good to sit back and DO NOTHING? Yeah. I thought so. I can already feel the punches you would want to pummel on me. They did, ultimately, nothing.
on Mar 31, 2005
Hey Fazz, I have your kid here with me. I'm not going to give her any food or water until she dies. No matter who you ask for help I still won't give her any food or water. You still think it's good to sit back and DO NOTHING?

Of course not. I'd do anything in my power to wrest my child from your control. And that's exactly what the Schindlers did.
on Mar 31, 2005
Insensitive? ME? INSENSITIVE? Well pardon the hell out of me for thinking it's stupid and against all parental instincts to try keep their daughter alive. What does their daughter really have to do with the presiding judges who were deciding her ultimate fate? What does her life have to do with Larry King or the prick-cheating husband? She's their daughter. They, if they truly love her and have any sense of honor, had the obligation to do whatever it takes, even if it's only a meaningful gesture. Throw a cup of water in the face of the cop guarding her door (if there is one). Throw a smack at the prick husband. Or the doctor/nurse who pulled out her feeding tube. Anything at all would satisfy me. But to go to the same courts which previously, for an entire 15 years, made fools of them. There IS a justice, but it takes real true love and sense of honor to make it come about. Insensitive. I should be sympathetic to them just because their daughter has died and they are in mourning? That's bullshit. Why should anything ever change what's right? They had their chance to act, and they didn't. In fact, it's safe to say, in light of their inaction, and of course, in a philosophical way, that they themselves put their daughter to eternal sleep.
on Mar 31, 2005
What would you have them do? Get themselves incarcerated by orchestrating a pointless plot to throw water in their daughter's mouth? The only real way to help Terri would be by pursuing a court ruling. There may have been little hope, but it's better than screwing themselves by getting thrown in jail.
on Mar 31, 2005

While I am an advocate for civil disobedience, I also know the end result.Had the parents successfully kidnapped Terri (which is the only way they could have hoped to get her rehabilitated), they would be sitting in jail for the remainder of their lives, as it would have had to involve armed resistance against the police officers stationed at the hospice.

Yes, it was foolish for them to trust the government to act as a benign protector and assist them, but their options were greatly limited, and they, as many Americans, tried to work WITH the government rather than against it.

The fact that you are blogging freely on the internet shows your own hypocrisy; I don't know where you live, but I knowthat EVERY government has problems that offend BOTH liberals and conservatives. The fact that YOU are unwilling to sit the rest of your life in a jail cell defending your rights against the government shows that YOU yourself have no moral high ground from which to speak.

This was an insensitive, points whoring article. Congratulations! It worked.
on Mar 31, 2005
Fazz ANY defiant action against the source of her imminent death would suffice. You mock it by saying it's pointless to be incarcerated for tossing some water into their daughters mouth. Well, if you think rationally about it, being incarcerated for trying to give their slowly dying daughter some water in order to ease her suffering and to allow her to simply exist, is much better then doing nothing at all. Some form of real action would have been nice to see coming from them. Anything. Not asking the juducial system to please allow their daughter to live and to not starve their own flesh and blood.
on Mar 31, 2005
Getting yourself locked up seems extremely counter-productive to me, at least if you're trying to save a life.

The judicial system was the Schindlers' best hope for sustaining--not just saving--Terri's life, and they opted for that choice. It's better for them to lose legally than to win temporarily and illegally.

You say they did nothing at all, but I think going in front of all the possible courts counts as something.
on Mar 31, 2005 in eternal peace...

You said it yourself. REST in eternal PEACE. Not to sound like a complete prick, but she lived, she died, we cried, amen. This whole thing was blown WAY over the top and I would have felt sorry for her had she even been aware of what was going on.
on Mar 31, 2005
would have felt sorry for her had she even been aware of what was going on.

Can you honestly state that you know for a fact she didn't? No. Noone can. It chills me to the bone to think that I or someone I love be put in that hellish situation. People have been trapped in their bodies before. Doctors stated right in front of them that they couldn't hear or feel. I can't imagine how terrifying that would be.

All I know from this story is that I will get my intentions in writing and I will hope that Terri and her family suffer no more.