truth that angers
I mentioned in another thread about the prophesy figure who, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, made a chronological list of the future popes to come. Like I said, some were considered too vague to pin down, but others were so dead on it's freaky. Well, for Pope John Paul II, he had "from the toil of the sun". I mentioned before what I thought that meant, and I said I think his legacy will be his hard travelled body (toil), and his respect and outspoken manner in reference to the sanctity of life.
The next pope's prophetic quote is "Glory of the Olive". It will be interesting to learn about the future pope's past and philosophies, and how the glory of the olive will fit into the equasion. And, like I said before, the prophet only had 2 more pope's after JP2. The last pope's quote is "Peter of Rome". Can't wait to see the future pope's credentials.

on Apr 04, 2005
I'd assume that "Glory of the Olive" would be referring to peace, considering the olive branch represents peace. Perhaps the next Pope will be a peace-bringer.
on Apr 04, 2005
That's the most obvious example and it could easily be true since to be a peacemaker there needs to be serious warfare going on everywhere. What I mean is that the world's current political climate is ripe for someone who needs a war to bring peace to. Kind of like how cancer researchers need cancers to keep doing their research.
on Apr 07, 2005
"Toil of the sun" Pope John Paul II was born on the day of a solar eclipse and tomorrow (04/08/05) there will be another, the day of the Pope's funeral.
on Apr 07, 2005
Toil of the Sun - - possibly refers to the fact that JPII was born during a solar eclipse. Newsflash. Friday will be another eclipse. He will buried during one. The Polish Solidarity movement also had as an emblem a sun. JPII was Polish and worked in behalf of this organization extensively. There is more the motto than you think. Much more.
on Apr 07, 2005
One of the things you forgot to mention about The Glory of the Olive is: he is only in office for seven months. He will dead by the end of this year.
on Apr 07, 2005
you know, I thought something weird was going on when I read about the eclipse on the funeral day....the book I have that details the Malachi guy's papal prophesies has the "from the toil of the sun" applying to Pope John Paul II. The "of the half moon (roughly paraphrased) prophesy applied to Pope Joh Paul I, not the 2nd. So I don't know why the thing got muddled. I know the book says that, but maybe the book I have made a mistake or something. The moon reference was for the PJP1, not 2. Anyways, it's interesting. What's kind of wrong is the talk of making him a saint! He may have done lots of good, but he also did some things that were, to anyone outside the Vatican, illegal. Pardoning money launderers, bowing to freemasonry. I don't know a lot about that subject, but I do know that freemasons are excommunicated from the Catholic church. Why they weren't excommunicated is something the dead Pope would have to explain. But worst is his protecting Paul ?Marchinkus? inside the Vatican. Here's a guy who was the head of the Vatican Bank but he had to stay inside the Vatican because the Italian authorities were waiting for him to leave the Vatican grounds, which is as we all know a country/state unto itself. As long as he was able to stay he was safe. Any other priest or anyone semi-religious would say the Pope should have allowed justice to prevail. And any other person would be arrested for many offences. Harboring fugitives, obstructing justice, knowingly ignoring financial crimes...there's too much bad with all the good to make him a saintworthy pope.
on Apr 19, 2005

But the prophesy also says the "Olive" Pope will be killed by Muslams doesn't it?

If he is indeed killed by Muslam radicals the outcome of that could be dangerous in this day in age.